headspace Broome
KAMS has been the lead agency for headspace Broome since the establishment of the service in 2008.
headspace Broome
Shop A, 38 Frederick Street, Broome, Western Australia 6725
Phone (08) 9194 4500
As the lead agency KAMS is responsible for all aspects of the headspace service including contractual requirements to deliver the headspace program in Broome and ensuring that funding conditions are complied with.
KAMS also employs all headspace Broome staff and is responsible for the effective delivery of the headspace Broome Centre.
headspace Broome was established to provide health and wellbeing services to the young people of Broome.
The headspace objective is to improve access for young people, 12 – 25 years, to primary care, mental health, alcohol and other drugs and educational, social recovery, vocational and related services, and to ensure a coordinated delivery of those services.

headspace can assist if you or someone you know is:
- feeling like things are not quite right
- feeling down, depressed or stressed
- not coping at school, work or home
- being hurt or bullied by others
- having relationship problems
- having troubles at home
- having a tough time getting or keeping a job
- finding it hard to concentrate or make decisions
- concerned about drinking or drug use
- concerned about contraception or sex
- experiencing health related issues