Recovery Collective: consumers, clinicians and community workers – Perth
This course is designed for support workers to recognise when a person is becoming distressed or when their behaviour is escalating, and it provides a set of tools and strategies to respond in ways that are likely to result in positive outcomes. People with lived experience of mental health challenges, clinicians and community workers are all encouraged to attend this thought-provoking and transformative course.
Sometimes everyone wants the same thing, but no one realises… An individual experiencing mental health challenges often requires a mix of flexible responses to support their recovery journey. Sometimes they are caught in a system that offers either clinical or community services or a mix of services that do not know how to talk to each other. This course challenges the established services paradigm and asks what if…. we worked together in an equal partnership?
This course will support participants to:
- * Co-facilitated by a person with lived experience of mental health challenges, a mental health nurse and a community services practitioner, this course draws on real-life examples to explore the differences and commonalities in clinical and non-clinical practice, including language, risk management and treatment/recovery planning and seeks to understand the lived experience of these approaches.
- * Using interactive activities such as “You can’t ask that”, participants will hear what it is like on the front-line, as a service user and as a worker.
- * Drawing on relevant models, such as the Triangle of Care, participants will be encouraged to consider how the different perspectives can adjust to collaboratively offer a genuine, holistic and person-centred service.
Download course flyer here Recovery Collective: consumers, clinicians and community workers course flyer
For further information on Course and/or to register click here.
Training delivered by the Western Australian Association for Mental Health.
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