Quality Policy

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS) delivers high quality primary & renal health care and organisational support for member services across the Kimberley.

KAMS strives to continually meet and exceed client expectations through commitment to the following Strategic Priorities:

  • Aboriginal organisations – Support our member services to be strong, independent and effective Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations.
  • Kimberley communities – Provide quality preventative and primary healthcare and renal services to communities we service.
  • Shared knowledge – Provide leadership and advocacy on Kimberley Aboriginal Health Issues.
  • Health system – Collaborative approaches to improving Aboriginal health and wellbeing.
  • Regional workforce – Build a skilled and sustainable Kimberley Aboriginal health workforce.

To ensure we meet our strategic goals, we operate and maintain a quality management system (QMS) compliant with AS/NZS International Standards Organisation 9001 and consistently aim to improve it using continuous quality improvement principles.

All KAMS staff are required to be aware of and comply with the requirements of the QMS and contribute to the reporting of issues or opportunities for improvement.

Quality Objectives

The following Quality Objectives have been selected as specific goals for our quality management system. The Quality Objectives operationalise our commitment to the Quality Policy.

  1. Clear training requirements and schedule identified for every role.
  2. Establishment of consumer input processes on performance (via Safety & Quality report).
  3. Implementation of revised whole-organisation auditing process.
  4. New online induction programs finalised.
  5. Streamlined LogiQC document library and categorisation processes.

The Quality Objectives are reviewed annually by the Executive Management Team at the QMS Review Day and as required.

© 2025 Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services